Payment ecosystems
We transform territories with the application of innovative technologies.
Become our ally
Multiservice Application:
Discover Cívica App, the city application that merges transportation and financial services through our alliance with Davivienda. With this application, enjoy benefits such as traveling on public transportation, making payments in allied businesses through QR codes, making transactions, recharging and consulting your Cívica card, as well as paying for public and private services without additional costs.
Download Cívica App here
Electronic collection
The Cívica electronic fare collection system is 100% owned by Metro de Medellín. With 17 years of experience, it allows transportation users to make payments quickly and securely, eliminating the use of cash and streamlining the boarding process. Currently, our equipment is installed in more than 2,300 buses, and we manage resources of 1.07 billion pesos annually.
This service is available for:
- Collective Public Transport Routes
- Intermunicipal routes
- Integrated routes
- Transportation in other territories
Corporate Services
With corporate services we seek to promote the integration of institutions and companies with the different transportation services in an easy and fast way.
Corporate recharge:
Companies will be able to massively recharge the Civica cards of their employees, granting transportation allowances in an agile, convenient and safe way.
Digital ID card through the Cívica App:
The customizable digital identification solution. Through our application, we offer companies an efficient and secure way to manage access to their facilities, so employees or students can easily gain access, eliminating the need for additional physical cards.
Sale of co-branded cards:
This product unifies access to transportation and identification for institutions and companies in a single card.
Sale of commemorative cards/Card branding:
This product allows you to position a brand or event and generate visibility through the mass distribution of the Civic Card.